Monday, January 16, 2012

An update for all you people who don't get my Facebook updates :)

 Recovering :)
 Dreaded Picc line! 
Tanner (my donor) and I on my transplant day or "re-birthday"-January 5, 2012!

I know I really should write a real blog post, but I just wanted to paste my facebook status updates since transplant day for anyone who wanted an update of how things were going that isn't on facebook....

Day +1 over here in transplant land. Everything is going fine, feeling great so far! From experience I know that the next few days are when it'll get rough, but there wasn't nearly as much chemotherapy used as with the last transplant so I might sail right through. Here's to hoping Tanner's stem cells like my body and I have a swift recovery and a cancer-free future!!!

I'll let this little exchange between me and my parents tell you all how day +2 is going here in transplant land....My dad walks into my room and hears me talking to my nurse (a fellow survivor of the same cancer ♥) and goes, "Well I'd ask how you are doing but I usually gauge how you are by how many words a minute are coming out of your mouth," and my mom goes, "How could you possibly count that, she's like an auctioneer?!"

So I'm day +3 and feeling great :) I keep getting weirded out that I don't feel bad, but maybe I'm just getting really good at these transplants lol! The nurse today said, if anything, maybe I'll get a little sick-feeling when my cells start to engraft (between 1-2 weeks post-transplant), but I might just feel fine the whole time. Woo hoo! Now if only my Blackhawks could beat the crap out of Detroit tonight I'll be a super happy girl :)

Day +4, still no side effects or anything. My WBC counts have moved to neutropenic (basically low, high risk of infection), but we were expecting that for the last few days and they aren't crazy low or anything. Nothing to complain about here, everything's moving smoothly :) Plus, my friend Rachel Kesselman is bringing me Georgetown Cupcakes later-yay!
(Later on day +4 night)-Went to "Look Good Feel Better" tonight and got like $200 of free make-up and a pretty shitty make-over lol, but hey it washes off :) Now getting pumped up with some O neg...seems weird not to be getting AB+, but Tanner is O- so now I am too (or will be soon anyway, I think it takes a little while to totally transform).

So day +5 and things are still great! No complications thus far and I still feel completely fine. The only complaint I have about my room is my shower seems to only go to scalding hot or ice cold, but today somehow I found that magical just right temp and had the best shower possibly in the history of the world thanks to the awesome Lush bath products Rachel Kesselman brought me yesterday :)

So day +6 over here. Still more of the same, feeling fine. I have had to get Magnesium infusions a couple times but I guess low mag is a very common side-effect of one of my immuno-suppressant drugs. On rounds today, the Dr said if I continue like this they'll prob let me out early-maybe Friday-and just have me come in for bloodwork and do my day +14 T-cell infusion thing out-patient. Though I don't really mind being here, this hospital is awesome and has all sorts of recreation activities-I actually have a "field trip" to the movie theatre tomorrow to see 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' lol!

Day +7 report: So the dr on rounds today (who has seen me everyday and been on since I got in the hospital) said that she's ready to let me go tomorrow, but my dr (Dr Halverson) is apprehensive about me leaving so soon and wants me to stay until Monday (it's not a huge deal, it's just kinda boring here and I'm not loving the 4:30 am vitals/blooddraw/weighing). And my counts are awesome, but she ...said when she mentioned about the movie trip today, he didn't think it was a good idea for someone who just had a transplant because he doesn't want to risk me getting sick from people in a crowded theater...So Dr Halverson is trying to ruin all my fun :( They still gave me a pass to go, so now I just have to decide if I should listen to the dr who sees me everyday or my main dr who I haven't seen since my transplant...

Day +8, Dr Halverson, though he hasn't come to see me once since my transplant, has figured out that the numbers don't lie (my blood counts are AMAZING) and says I can go home tomorrow! I was a "bad" girl and went to the movies last night-only after my nurses practically pushed me out the door-they said the drs don't put in a pass unless you are fine, and the "chaperone" of the trip has worked on... the transplant ward for 22 years and she said listen to the nurses who see you everyday because they really know how you are doing. Anyway, I wore a mask and gloves (and didn't touch anything, even the theatre armrest) to be overly-cautious (and very high fashion lol-I'm sure Lady Gaga will be sporting my look soon..), and I'm super glad I did because I had an awesome time with the P's and the movie was awesome! So, barring some emergency, I break out of the joint tomorrow and just have to come to the day hospital Monday for bloodwork and prob a magnesium infusion. Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Day +10 Report: Well, first of all, Hawks win! Yay! Now onto the medical stuff...Released yesterday to my "halfway house", otherwise known as Hyatt Summerfield Suites/Hyatt House in Gaithersburg, MD. I'll be staying here until I get the go-ahead to go home a few months from now. In the meantime, I report to NIH on Mon & Thurs for bloodwork, labs, and probably lots of Magnesium infusions. I Tanner's doctored-up T-cells on Thursday. I feel GREAT and it was so nice to sleep in something other than a hospital bed that I didn't get up til like 2 pm today...Oh, and they pulled out my Picc line yesterday.  So far, so good!

Day +11 Update: Had my first post-transplant out-patient hospital visit today. Things are looking good as far as bloodcounts and had a normal chest x-ray. I had to have a magnesium infusion but I had already figured I'd need that (I'll prob be getting those quite often for awhile). Was feeling so good I actually went to the gym @ the Hyatt and did a light work-out this afternoon! Getting Tanner's "sirolimus-generated Th2 cells" on Thursday, which is also my next clinic appointment at NIH-not sure if that'll affect how I feel physically or not, we'll see. Either way, 2 hospital-free days for me coming up-woo hoo!!!

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